This guideline is intended to provide recommendations on how to use stability data generated in accordance with the principles detailed in the ICH guideline “Q1A(R) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products” (hereafter referred to as the parent guideline) to propose a retest period or shelf life in a registration application. This guideline describes when and how extrapolation can be considered when proposing a retest period for a drug substance or a shelf life for a drug product that extends beyond the period covered by“ available data from the stability study under the long-term storage condition” (hereafter referred to as long-term data).
Scope of the Guideline
This guideline addresses the evaluation of stability data that should be submitted in registration applications for new molecular entities and associated drug products. The guideline provides recommendations on establishing retest periods and shelf lives for drug substances and drug products intended for storage at or below “room temperature”*.It covers stability studies using single-or multi-factor designs and full or reduced designs.
*Note: The term “room temperature” refers to the general customary environment and should not be inferred to be the storage statement for labeling.
ICH Q6A and Q6B should be consulted for recommendations on the setting and justification of acceptance criteria, and ICH Q1D should be referenced for recommendations on the use of full- versus reduced-design studies.
The design and execution of formal stability studies should follow the principles outlined in the parent guideline. The purpose of a stability study is to establish, based on testing a minimum of three batches of the drug substance or product, a retest period or shelf life and label storage instructions applicable to all future batches manufactured and packaged under similar circumstances. The degree of variability of individual batches affects the confidence that a future production batch will remain within acceptance criteria throughout its retest period or shelf life.
Although normal manufacturing and analytical variations are to be expected, it is important that the drug product be formulated with the intent to provide 100 percent of the labeled amount of the drug substance at the time of batch release. If the assay values of the batches used to support the registration application are higher than100 percent of label claim at the time of batch release, after taking into account manufacturing and analytical variations, the shelf life proposed in the application can be overestimated. On the other hand, if the assay value of a batch is lower than 100 percent of label claim at the time of batch release, it might fall below the lower acceptance criteria before the end of the proposed shelf life.
A systematic approach should be adopted in the presentation and evaluation of the stability information. The stability information should include, as appropriate, results from the physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests, including those related to particular attributes of the dosage form (for example, dissolution rate for solid oral dosage forms). The adequacy of the mass balance should be assessed. Factors that can cause an apparent lack of mass balance should be considered, including, for example, the mechanisms of degradation and the stability-indicating capability and inherent variability of the analytical procedures.
The basic concepts of stability data evaluation are the same for single- versus multi- factor studies and for full- versus reduced-design studies. Data from formal stability studies and, as appropriate, supporting data should be evaluated to determine the critical quality attributes likely to influence the quality and performance of the drug substance or product. Each attribute should be assessed separately, and an overall assessment should be made of the findings for the purpose of proposing are test period or shelf life. The retest period or shelf life proposed should not exceed that predicted for any single attribute.
The decision tree in Appendix A outlines a stepwise approach to stability data evaluation and when and how much extrapolation can be considered for a proposed retest period or shelf life. Appendix B provides (1) information on how to analyze long- term data for appropriate quantitative test attributes from a study with a multi- factor, full or reduced design, (2) information on how to use regression analysis for retest period or shelf life estimation, and (3) examples of statistical procedures to determine pool ability of data from different batches or other factors. Additional guidance can be found in the references listed; however,the examples and references do not cover all applicable statistical approaches.
In general, certain quantitative chemical attributes (e.g., assay, degradation products, preservative content) for a drug substance or product can be assumed to follow zero- order kinetics during long-term storage1. Data for these attributes are therefore amenable to the type of statistical analysis described in Appendix B, including linear regression and pool ability testing. Although the kinetics of other quantitative attributes (e.g.,pH,dissolution) is generally not known, the same statistical analysis can be applied, if appropriate. Qualitative attributes and microbiological attributes are not a menable to this kind of statistical analysis.
The recommendations on statistical approaches in this guideline are not intended to imply that use of statistical evaluation is preferred when it can be justified to be unnecessary. However, statistical analysis can be useful in supporting the extrapolate on of retest periods or shelf lives in certain situations and can be called for to verify the proposed retest periods or shelf lives in other cases.
Data Presentation
Data for all attributes should be presented in an appropriate format (e.g., tabular, graphical, narrative) and an evaluation of such data should be included in the application. The values of quantitative attributes at all time points should be reported as measured (e.g., assay as percent of label claim). If a statistical analysis is performed, the procedure used and the assumptions underlying the model should be stated and justified. A tabulated summary of the outcome of statistical analysis and/or graphical presentation of the long-term data should be included.
Extrapolation is the practice of using a known data set to infer information about future data. Extrapolation to extend the retest period or shelf life beyond the period covered by long-term data can be proposed in the application, particularly if no significant change is observed at the accelerated condition. Whether extrapolation of stability data is appropriate depends on the extent of knowledge about the change pattern, the goodness of fit of any mathematical model, and the existence of relevant supporting data. Any extrapolation should be performed such that the extended retest period or shelf life will be valid for a future batch released with test results close to the release acceptance criteria.
An extrapolation of stability data assumes that the same change pattern will continue to apply beyond the period covered by long-term data. The correctness of the assumed change pattern is critical when extrapolation is considered. When estimating aregressionline or curvet of it the long-term data, the data themselves provide a check on the correctness of the assumed change pattern, and statistical methods can be applied to test the goodness of fit of the data to the assumed line or curve. No such internal check is possible beyond the period covered by long-term data. Thus, a retest period or shelf life granted on the basis of extrapolation should always be verified by additionallong-termstabilitydataassoonasthesedatabecomeavailable.Care should be taken to include in the protocol for commitment batches a time point that corresponds to the end of the extrapolated retest period or shelf life.